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June 21, 2021 14h30 (Paris time – UTC+2)

International online meeting for Crigler-Najjar families from all over the world

In the frame of the world Crigler-Najjar Day, AFCN organizes a convivial online meeting in english on june 21 at 14h30 – Paris time – UTC+2) for Crigler-Najjar families from all over the world.


The families concerned by Crigler-Najjar Syndrome are kindly invited to register in advance via this link >> link to subscribe

Once you have registered, you will receive a link the day before the meeting allowing you to connect. The application used is TEAMS from Microsoft.

You can either open the link provided with Google Chrome or download the application; Teams works on all platforms, PC or smartphone, IOS, Windows or Android.


  • Presentation of the participants
  • Discussion on :
    • the daily management of the disease (type 1 / type 2)
    • Phototherapy
  • Gene therapy / CureCN
  • The world Crigler-Najjar patient Registry
  • International Crigler-Najjar Day
  • Questions / answers